Bill Does Everest!

Day 3 Trek

What a good night sleep. Not slept in a hoody for years!! 😂 It was so cold. Breakfast was usual fare and we have all got used to the menus which are very similar in all tea houses. 

Today was a more relaxed day to acclimatise ourselves to the altitude conditions. It was a 500m elevation hike to a 360 degree viewing point. It was spectacular. We passed a statue in memory of Tenzing Norway who with Sir Edmund Hillary ascended Everest for the very first time 1953. It was only 1950 when foreigners were allowed into Nepal. We took some great group photos. Even just trekking to Namche Bazar with all the latest gear wasn’t easy. I cannot imagine how difficult it must have been to summit Everest in 1953. An incredible feat. 

Our viewing point also had a wonderful centre to celebrate the natural environment of the National park (Sagamartha Next) and what was being locally done to ensure it’s natural beauty remains with the ever increasing number of tourists. The group watched a video and how difficult it is to remove litter and waste from the remote locations in the Himalayas. We were asked at the end for some help. Options included carrying down 1KG of waste or buying something recycled from the store. I chose some hand made  panoramas of the Everest range from the store. They were made out of bottle tops which cannot be recycled locally. The centre had fabulous coffee and hot chocolate which went down a treat after the trek up. 

We descended quickly to grab some lunch back at the teahouse and chatter was all about the Irish pub and shopping. So after a quick bit of retail therapy, the pub was descended upon. But no guiness!! The porters handnt made it. So San Miguel and popcorn was decided upon. Pool, fuzzball and a little country dancing. 

Dinner followed from the same menu and most were again not having meat because of the warnings received of it not being the best quality. 

The Irish bar gave the laugh of the day with its password ‘get pissed’. 🤣 The lack of internet and phone signal has been an issue and will get worse. So apologies in advance for delays in uploading to this site. 

