Bill Does Everest!

Day 10 Trek

It snowed during the night in Pheriche and pathways had to be cleared. One of the group thought the sweeping of snow was one of the girls brushing her hair. Clearly he is going for a hearing test when back home.🤣. However the verdict is still out who is the phantom snorer 💤. Votes continue to be counted but one female group member is leading the race!! 🤣 

The tea house in Pheriche was the best so far and we were looked after well. We commenced our trek at 8:30am into a snow blizzard with a temperature of -8c. It was freezing 🥶. 

Most of the morning trek was down hill but stones were covered in ice or mud mixed with snow. Luckily no one fell. But it wasn’t easy and in some places there were steep drops. We eventually arrived at the Pangboche coffee shop that had a ‘real coffee’ machine but somehow managed to serve out of date kit kats. This didn’t stop the downing of them. Its sugar after all !! 🤣

We kicked off again at around 11:30am for Tyangboche and the Monastery. We encountered countless helicopters passing over head. Some were taking passengers from Pheriche to Kathmandu. Some appeared search and rescue. 

The ‘weak one’ managed to cross a swinging bridge unaided. However some 10 minutes later she managed to destroy a stone bridge whilst crossing. 🤣

At a normal water stop (for water/changing layers/fags/Haribos etc), we were visited by a very confident black Raven.  Not sure 🤔 if this was good or bad luck! 🤣

We arrived in Tyangboche for lunch at around 1:30pm. The last Km of the trek was all up hill through a forest. This was a tough climb and so hot chocolate and rum was in order.

At 3pm we went over the the Monastery which is adjacent to the tea house. With no cameras allowed in side, shoes or kissing 😘 we entered the prayer area which was extremely colourful. A large buddha statue towered over us. Again religions facinate me. Buddhism originated some 2500 years ago in India. Buddhists believe that human life is one of suffering and that through meditation, spiritual and physical labor and good behaviour, you can achieve nirvana. We sat and listened to prayers for about half an hour or so. A number of tourists tried to copy followers in the prayers but in bowing to buddha managed to headbut the alter. 🤣. The monastery was cold and after a group photo, we all decamped to the bakery for much needed cake and coffee. 

So just writing this waiting for dinner. Hot towels have just arrived and beer/wine is flowing. Hopefully we will all sleep well tonight for the continuing descent tomorrow. 

