Bill Does Everest!

Day 4 Trek

The Group were up early to leave the tea house in Namche Bazar. It was a gorgeous morning, clear blue sky and relatively warm. Well I did have thermals on.!! 🤣. Also proud that I topped the 02 saturation at 98%. Amazing what San Miguel can do! 🤣

We kicked off around 8am knowing the journey would take at least 8 hours. 

Due to the clear sky, we managed to see the first sight of Everest. Everyone was excited and the panorama was towering over the valley we had climbed up through. 

We reached Mong La slightly late for lunch as ‘the weak one’ was still suffering badly from an upset tummy. With the help of the porter, she bravely managed to make it and ordered the stinkiest garlic soup; managing only a  spoonful. 🤣

My ‘new’ mom reminded me to put on sun screen on my head as it was decidedly red. A kind gentleman offered the use of his Factor 50 which made my hair even flatter than it was post a night in the hoodie. 🤣

We left Mong La after lunch having to descend to river level then zigzag again back up to Phortse at circa 4000m above sea level. That was a tough ascent at altitude and everyone was tired. We saw along the way some cute Yaks that one of the group fell in love with. We also saw the extremely colourful Himalyan Monal Pheasant, deer and a couple on horseback. This was the most bizarre scene and looked extremely dangerous! 

Dinner was the traditional hearty fare and all of the group can now predict whats on the menu!🤣

After dinner consisted of spoons (before you ask a card game) and listening to Fura whose family own the tea house. Fura at 16 summited Everest and has done it 6 times as a guide. He told us that 100 people in the village has reached the Everest summit. 

So an early get up tomorrow for a 7am ish start for a 9 hour trek to Dingboche at circa 4400m. Exciting and off to bed for some much earned sleep. PS my beard is growing fast! 🤣

