Bill Does Everest!

Day 5 Trek

Dreams were the breakfast chatter. Not sure if its the diamox or the altitude but some were scary. 💀 I had some porridge and apple which set me up for the days trek. 

I forgot to mention on Day 2 about having left the tap running whist brushing my teeth and being told off (rightly) by a Nepal porter. Water is a precious commodity here in the Himalayan mountains. There is no shortage of source water itself but treatment, pumping and pipework costs money and Nepal clealy doesn’t apparently have the necessary financing to support all these remote communities. Water, hot/cold is taken for granted so often in the Western world. This event was a timely reminder. 

It was an early morning start for our trek at around 7:30am. It was very sunny but cold. The ‘weak one’ (as she likes to be called) 🤣 was diagnosed with Acute Mountain Sickness. The guides looked after her most of the day but she had previously been higher altitude in Peru and as a sub 30 year old, it’s clear this condition can impact anyone. 

The trek was tough in the morning and long. We trekked for 3 hours solid before managing to grab a tea break at the Peaceful Lunch Point in Pangboche. One repleshed we set of for our lunch at sunshine guest house. I love the simplicity of solar heating umbrellas to warm water which is in use at most of the tea houses. 

After lunch we headed off for our  accommodation for the next two days called Peak 38 View Lodge in Dingboche. Our chatter consisted of dad jokes, fawning over Macdonalds (food is much the same here) and testing which films stars some would marry. 🤣

Passed a two women carrying probably a 40kg load each. It was so difficult for them but clearly a necessity for them to live. I cannot imagine this in London!! 🤣

 For the last hour of the trek it snowed.  ❄️ We were all covered in the white stuff and we’re certainly glad to arrive to hot chocolate and tea. 

So a long day and now off to bed. 

