Bill Does Everest!

Day 8 Trek – Base Camp

This was the big day to Everest Base Camp. Well I awoke early at 4:30am (excited for what was to come) and headed down to breakfast. I was first in the breakfast room apart from all the guides who had slept there and were just waking up!! 🤣 As a group we finally got away from Lobuche around 6:30am. We trekked solidly for 3 hours to Gorak Shep. We arrived at the Snowland Highest Inn at around 9:30am for drinks and we all decided to get a packed lunch so we could get away sharpish. It been a long time since I had a cheese sandwich for lunch.🤣 One of the group asked if she could have baked beans but the teahouse didnt have anything they could package them in. 

So after quick drinks we head of to Everest Base Camp with our sandwiches/chips  in silver foil. 😂 The journey would increase our elevation to 5364m. The trail was very uneven and in some areas just boulders that again required to be frogged between. It wasn’t easy and especially with the impact of high altitude. 

The trail was super busy both ways with trekkers. It was made even busier by the amount of horses with riders, Yaks and porters. It’s probably why the journey took a couple of hours.

All the group got excited when they caught the first view of Everest Base Camp which is adjacent to the famous Khumbu Glacier that pours down large blocks of ice from Everest. 

The weather wasn’t in our favour and we caught only glimpses of the Everest peak due to clouds. It was also very cold and snowy!!!❄️

We eventually got to Everest Base Camp everyone hugged each other and there seemed disbelief that we had actually arrived. I was assisted to ‘strip’ by one of the group so that I could put on a t shirt given by one of the charity sponsors… Kent. Due to the cold, I left it on!! 🤣

After the traditional group photos we headed back to Gorak Shep. This walk was tough and felt like it was taking forever to get back.

We eventually arrived back at the Inn and it was clear everyone was totally exhausted. So an early dinner was in order. 

Well we must be fools as 2/3 of the group are up at 4am to go to a viewing platform that overlooks Everest. Its expected to be -12c and the highest altitude we will get to. Exciting. 

So off to bed for me. 

