Bill Does Everest!

Getting Ready

Well slept like a log. After breakfast of oats and yogurt met up with Nepal guide for the morning tour of Kathmandu. Our guide Miss S (names are going to be an issue for me) 😂 together with Helen ((UK), Paul and his wife from NZ for a trek through Kathmandu streets. Even at 9am it was bustling with people and market sellers trying to get some trade. Cars and bikes somehow manage to miss you in all of the chaos. We managed to get to see various temples, drank Chai (too sweet for me) and learned about the Kumari which is a prepubescent girl selected as a goddess who lives in one of the temple’s. It facinates me how different religions work. For example at Hindu weddings, the bride wears a red saree and how mourners of a loved one should wear white. The monkey temple was lively and they even had their own dip pool. So after 4 hours, it was time for a liquid lunch. In the afternoon met the rest of the group of 12 heading to base camp. Great mix and hopefully after 12 days on the mountain I will remember all their names!!! 🤣 Everyone had similar questions about the risky flight, baggage weight control, diamox (the drug for Altitude Sickness) and the cash needed for food. Mr R ( who is now known to me as Ricky 😂) is our Nepal guide. He gave us safety tips including ensuring you pass donkeys not on cliff edges!!! 😂 Dinner this evening was a traditional Nepal banquet with the majority of the group attending. We were even treated to Nepalese dancers. I must say everyone was thinking about the 2:30am get up and the four hour journey to the airport. So I am going to sign off and hopefully get a few hours before setting off. Pics are on there way too.

